Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16th - Day 10 - 14,200

January 16th - Day 10 - Rest Day
5:04 PM Alaska Time.
Here is one of the latest pictures from Lonnie sent today the 16th of January from 14,200, 4:10pm Alaska time.  This is his Ranger Trench "The Hilton" at 14,200.

Just got off the phone with Lonnie.   He had a good night's rest last night. Temperatures were around -40. Yesterday was a long day of travel. He made it around Windy corner despite being buffeted by 70-80 mph winds. He used both ice axes and his crampons and dug in each time the wind gusts hit him and then he would proceed until he had to hunker down again.   After successfully getting around the corner he encountered a number of large crevasses with some being 40 feet across, he also commented that at the 14,200 camp area it was also quite crevassed. He did not get dug in until 9:30 pm last night.  Tonight the temps are supposed to be around -50. He said it was -raw bone cold- today. His plan is to start out early tomorrow and climb up to the base of the fixed lines on the Head Wall and see if the lines are buried or not.  He plans on clearing the lines if possible and returning back down to his camp at 14,200.  This will give him a good day for altitude acclimatization (which is where you climb up high and then return to a lower elevation to sleep).  He had a mild headache early today but is feeling fine tonight.  After spending the another night at 14,200 the plan is to climb the Head Wall from 14,200 to 16,200 and then proceed along the ridge to 17,200 camp.  From here on up Lonnie will be using a backpack and drag bag.  He will be leaving the ladder and sled at 14,200 along with some food and fuel.  His spirits are good and says hi to all.   UPWARD..

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