Monday, January 24, 2011

Janauary 24th - Day 18 - Day 6 at 17,200

January 24th - Day 18
12:02 PM Alaska Time

I spoke with Lonnie just after he made his audio update. This is his 6th day at 17,200 in his snow trench that is 3'x3'x6'.  He has only been out once since he arrived at 17,200 due to the extremely high winds.   Laying in his trench with little movement and the constant cold ( it is about -5 in the trench) he feels that his strength and stamina are beginning to deteriorate.  The sanitary conditions of the trench are also deteriorating due to the lack of space to relieve himself.  We are hoping for a break in the weather tomorrow or Wednesday so that Lonnie can make a move to 14,200 to regroup and build up his strength.  At 17,200 the barometric pressure is 407 mmhg, this means that there is 54% of oxygen available at sea level.  Staying at this altitude increases the chances of acute mountain sickness.  He is in good spirits and says hi to all.

Lonnie carries a copy of this poem on the back of his journal notebook. This is a picture of that poem that is taped to his journal notebook...

 "Invictus" is a short Victorian poem by the English poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903)


  1. he has a shovel, so
    why he didn't and still doesn't make a bigger snowcave ??

  2. sounds pretty shitty.

    good to hear you're catching a brief wx window. patience, timing & luck be with you.
